Theory 2 Action Podcast

LM#48--The Worst President in U.S. History? Hold My Beer!

May 14, 2024
LM#48--The Worst President in U.S. History? Hold My Beer!
Theory 2 Action Podcast
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Theory 2 Action Podcast
LM#48--The Worst President in U.S. History? Hold My Beer!
May 14, 2024

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Could President Joe Biden's tenure in the Oval Office be remembered as the ultimate masterclass in political blunders? Strap in for a no-holds-barred analysis on the Theory to Action podcast, where we don’t just ponder the effectiveness of the Biden administration, but take a scalpel to its policies.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • We're not just scratching the surface; we're digging into the marrow of decisions that have left many Americans scrutinizing their outcomes with furrowed brows.
  • With a backdrop of historical presidencies that have faced their fair share of challenges, we question if Biden's strategies have truly served the citizens or if they have merely been political theater on the grand stage.
  • Prepare yourself for a candid conversation that cuts through the noise surrounding the American Rescue Plan of 2021 and student loan forgiveness—policies that arrived with fanfare but have been met with contentious debate and legal roadblocks. 
  • As we dissect the administration's touted triumphs, you're invited to weigh the evidence presented and consider the impact of these policies on the fabric of the nation. 
  • It's not just a reflection; it's a rallying cry for all who are concerned about leadership and the direction America is headed. 

Join me for this crucial episode that takes a hard look at where we stand and the choices that will define our future.

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Show Notes Transcript

We would love YOUR feedback--Send us a Text Message

Could President Joe Biden's tenure in the Oval Office be remembered as the ultimate masterclass in political blunders? Strap in for a no-holds-barred analysis on the Theory to Action podcast, where we don’t just ponder the effectiveness of the Biden administration, but take a scalpel to its policies.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • We're not just scratching the surface; we're digging into the marrow of decisions that have left many Americans scrutinizing their outcomes with furrowed brows.
  • With a backdrop of historical presidencies that have faced their fair share of challenges, we question if Biden's strategies have truly served the citizens or if they have merely been political theater on the grand stage.
  • Prepare yourself for a candid conversation that cuts through the noise surrounding the American Rescue Plan of 2021 and student loan forgiveness—policies that arrived with fanfare but have been met with contentious debate and legal roadblocks. 
  • As we dissect the administration's touted triumphs, you're invited to weigh the evidence presented and consider the impact of these policies on the fabric of the nation. 
  • It's not just a reflection; it's a rallying cry for all who are concerned about leadership and the direction America is headed. 

Join me for this crucial episode that takes a hard look at where we stand and the choices that will define our future.

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Speaker 1:

Those are the drums of liberty. Those drums are being overrun by the worst presidency in modern American history, perhaps in all of American history. No joke, let's talk about the reasons why in this Liberty Minute minute.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Liberty Minute. You know in past Liberty Minutes we've talked about how bad the Joe Biden presidency has been. But boy, oh boy, this guy is charging hard at the number one spot of being the worst president in all of American history. You know that's a hard feat to accomplish. The guy at the top spot as our worst president ever in US history, james Buchanan that guy had the office for the four years leading up to the US Civil War.

Speaker 1:

Just think about that. I mean, even if you're just ineffective in the office of President of the United States, you're going to get some policies right. You know you're going to find success somewhere. As they say, a squirrel finds a nut. Every now and then you will swerve into some successes if you're president for four years. But just name me one area of success in the last four years, just one. We'll go ahead and wait while you think about it, while you try to conjure up some policy. That is somewhat of a success, because it is meager pickings, as they say in basketball. The bench is not very deep, there's not a lot there. But let me help you. You know I can be a good friend occasionally. I'll give you just one policy area where Joe Biden will say I've been successful Student loan forgiveness is what someone told me the other day when I asked this question, so let's dig into that.

Speaker 1:

Has Joe Biden been successful on student loan forgiveness? Nope, supreme Court smacked him down on that. One Even came back as a 6-3 decision, not the regular 5-4 decisions we've come to expect from the court in our modern times. Let's try to think up another one. In fact, the friend that I asked could not come up with another one Stammered, hemmed and hawed, but let me help you out again. Stammered, hemmed and hawed, but let me help you out again If you were a radical liberal, which is the only support Joe Biden is getting these days. Unless you're in Dearborn, michigan, where the whole state is going the way of California, his Joe Biden support numbers are tanking worse than any president since polling was started.

Speaker 1:

Uh, in a reelection year. But since these folks are struggling to come up with some successes, let's play devil's advocate, since Joe Biden is probably working for the devil. Seriously, you think I'm kidding? Uh, we, we, seriously. We need to pray for this man's soul because he's not good. I mean seriously not good. We need to pray, pray, pray, please pray, because, objectively, if you look at the way he is running this office, it is horrific. But let's look objectively. Let's look at some of the successes that Joe Biden will tout.

Speaker 1:

Let's just look at a couple for this podcast. Number one they will tout. The radical libs will tout America's rescue plan. We passed this in March of 2021, and the president signed it in the law and it was absolutely an amazing piece of legislation, got the country moving again, which is rubbish, but they will tout. We spent $1.9 trillion. Now, that's trillion with a T, not billion with a B, but trillion with a T $1.9 trillion. It included direct financial payments to Americans for COVID relief, it extended unemployment benefits, it bailed out and gave significant funding to state and local governments, and it all came on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic. So Joe Biden will justify it.

Speaker 1:

And all of this is hogwash. There's very, very little evidence that any of this spending helped Americans get back to work after the pandemic. Actually, many studies out there now show, with more and more evidence, that this spending is slowing down, or slowed down, and contributed in the latter half of 2022 and 2023, while contributing to inflation, that inflation spike that we now are all experiencing and it's an inflation spike that happens every time the federal government injects a huge amount of money into the economy, which is ironic because it's the second success that Joe Biden touts. He actually says hey, brock, hold my beer, man, I can spend more money than you can and I can spend it faster, with no results and only a rapid rise of inflation. So hold my beer. But that all contributes to the second reason that Joe Biden and the radical libs will try to make the argument that he should be reelected, that the country is moving in the right area. And that second reason is infrastructure investment. Biden, like the good old boy that he touts himself to be, will be out there and say we need better infrastructure, we need to stimulate the economy, like FDR did during the New Deal. We need a new New Deal Now. Keep in mind FDR's New Deal economic policies did very little to contribute to improving the economies in the 1930s, despite what you read in America's textbook Howard Zinn's the People's History of the United States. That book is full of half-truths and we'll have to talk about that in the coming future. We'll dive into that actual subject matter of FDR's New Deal Economic Policies, but that's for another day.

Speaker 1:

So the question was this Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of November 2021, which amounted to $1.2 trillion. Again, $1.2 trillion with a T, not with a B, with a T, $1.2 trillion with a T. Was it effective in modernizing our nation's infrastructure? That is the question. And actually, once you dig into that Investment and Jobs Act of November 2021, the price tag started out at $1.2 trillion.

Speaker 1:

But once the GOP got a hold of it and you had more Democrats piling on with their pork barrel spending, it ballooned up to $2.65 trillion. Imagine that Not even the GOP can hold spending. In fact, they're not even the party of fiscal restraint anymore. They just want to outspend Democrats more than the Democrats, democrats more than the Democrats. So if you believe in sound fiscal policy, that you have no party. There is no political party that you can look to and say these folks get it.

Speaker 1:

But let's set that off to the side. Are the roads, bridges, public transit and broadband internet expansion coming along at record rates because of this infrastructure bill? Have we seen that swaths of our nation's infrastructure improve greatly? Well, not so much. But Biden can say to Barack hey, man, hold my beer, I can spend more money more carelessly than you can, so hold my beer, man.

Speaker 1:

Let's actually quote a of all places, a CNN article which is getting pretty close to MSNBC and their independent analysis, which is nothing. Nbc and their independent analysis, which is nothing, which is very shallow, independent analysis. But let's quote a CNN article. So you're not. So you know I'm not quoting some right-wing website.

Speaker 1:

Here's what CNN says about the infrastructure and investment act of 2021. I'm sorry, the investment and Jobs Act of November 2021. Going to the quote, biden's plan includes $621 billion for transportation, $400 billion for home care service, $300 billion for manufacturing and $180 billion for research and development. Manufacturing and $180 billion for research and development. Biden's plan also calls for $85 billion to modernize public transit, $80 billion for Amtrak, $50 billion to safeguard critical infrastructure and $20 billion to improve road safety. So the GOP actually sent out emails saying that only 7% of the funding went to traditional funding for infrastructure and they didn't even have to do that. That's how bad this party even communicates and as a party, can push back against the Democrats. Crazy amount of spending and spending on everything but what the actual bill says it's going to be spent for. The GOP could have actually just spit out facts with the Democrats own definitions and still won the argument on this infrastructure Because, per the CNN source itself, imagine that crazy world anymore. But just stay with me to the CNN source itself.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back to this article. It says If we include the aforementioned $235 billion in additional funding for transportation infrastructure, plus the $126 billion for building housing units and the $112 billion to build public schools and improve community college facilities, the $100 billion for water infrastructure hang in there with me and $100 billion for digital infrastructure and the $100 billion for water infrastructure hang in there with me, and 100 billion for digital infrastructure and the 100 billion for power infrastructure, all of this accounts for roughly 30% of the 2.65 trillion plan that was ultimately announced by the White House. Oh, it only accounts for 30% of the $2.65 trillion, with a T funding plan announced by the White House. Oh, my bad. Only 30% is going to actual infrastructure, when we are using definitions that are extremely liberal, in fact casting such a wide net that you could stick anything in infrastructure and be able to define it as infrastructure. So you know, joe Biden is telling his constituents hey, man, hold my beer.

Speaker 1:

The last administration, barack Obama, which I was a vice president, we couldn't even get that much money spent. I'm spending more money than he did and faster than he did. You should reward me because I have no results and only rapid rises in inflation. So hold my beer, barack, rapid rises in inflation, so hold my beer, brock. Oh, and you know, the most legitimate question to ask now, when you are a sane person, is oh, where did the if we spent 30%? Where did the other 70% of monies go? You'll ask what. You're not allowed to ask detailed questions like that. Shut up, keep your mouth shut. No questions, please, especially no detailed questions. Appreciate that the money is being spent on your behalf. I mean, really wasted on your behalf behalf.

Speaker 1:

So in today's Liberty Minute, joe Biden is quickly becoming the worst president of the United States for those two reasons. He's had no successes, zero successes in the last four years. No improvement, nothing, zero zilch. So we have to pray, pray, pray for our country and for this guy's soul, because he's not even a good Catholic. His spiritual life is a mess, crazy mess. So please pray for his soul.

Speaker 1:

Again, joe Biden is quickly becoming the worst president in the history of the United States. James Buchanan, look out, he is coming after you and come back later this week and we'll dive into another three reasons, big reasons. Now there's actually many, many reasons this guy is quickly becoming the worst president in our history, but we'll touch on another big three of them, because that's where Joe Biden will say hey, barack, hold my beer man, hold my beer. Joe Biden will say hey, brock, hold my beer man, hold my beer. Now let's end this Liberty Minute with my favorite Joe Biden quote. When I was a kid, back in Scranton, a wheel fell off my canoe, which made me wonder how many pancakes fit in a doghouse. None, because ice cream doesn't have bones.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this Theory to Action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at teammojoacademycom, where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on.